Welcome to OCTeeVee:

Obsessive Compulsive Television Viewer

This is a blog about TV by someone who loves TV. Occasionally it will be about me, but it will relate to television.

There will frequently be spoilers, so beware.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Favorite Quote of the Week 3: Whoopi on The View re: Vibrators (it's a family show)

Today on The View (watching on DVR, as I admitted recently) there was a segue from talking about professional wrestling (one of Sherri's obsessions, which I find boring):

Joy: "You know there's no commitment with Mr. Buzzy."

Whoopi: "Yeah!"

Sherri: "No, no, well first of all..."

Whoopi: "You put him in the drawer...and you don't get to him until you want him!"

Sherri: "Why do you think...you know what? I don't know what the fascination is for that because it's like don't you want a man, with arms, and a sense of humor and a brain who takes out the garbage?"

[Which is a runner up line, and the Quote of the Week...]

Whoopi: "You know what? Sometimes you just wanna get where you're going."

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