Welcome to OCTeeVee:

Obsessive Compulsive Television Viewer

This is a blog about TV by someone who loves TV. Occasionally it will be about me, but it will relate to television.

There will frequently be spoilers, so beware.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Guilty Pleasure: I take a little time each day to enjoy The View

I have to admit that I started occasionally watching The View  a very long time ago (the young co-host at the time was Lisa Ling). I never videotaped it, but whenever I was home (which wasn't very often, as I worked full time) I watched it. My favorite of the ladyieswas Meridith
Viera and I always thought they were all very restrained and the show was quite boring when Barbara Walters was on it. 

I stopped watching during the Rosie O'Donnell period. I can't stand her. I will never forgive her for going back into the closet for her talk show and then pretending to have a crush on Tom Cruise for what seemed like a decade. Everyone gay knew she was a lesbian and the fake shit she did on that show to pretend she wasn't was pathetic. And the nerve she had to be upset when she was outed prior to her book coming out  after her show was going off the air. I know she's done good things for the movement since, but she actually did the unforgivable, because coming out should always be a one way process.  

So I never watched during the Rosie era, but I tuned in after she left. The show is so fun now. First of all, since Babs left 20/20, she's lightened up and although I prefer the show without her, after all these years Joy Bahar says whatever she wants now, no matter whether Barbara is there or not.  

But the true star of the show is Whoopie Goldberg. She was born to host this show and I'm so glad she decided to do it. So my confession is that I love The View. I have been DVRing it since early this summer and, frankly, I love this show.

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