Welcome to OCTeeVee:

Obsessive Compulsive Television Viewer

This is a blog about TV by someone who loves TV. Occasionally it will be about me, but it will relate to television.

There will frequently be spoilers, so beware.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Brothers & Sister Follow Up, will they use the word "Abortion"?

So, as I wrote about the other day, TV has been squeemish about mentioning that women have the right of choice when it comes to pregnancy in this country.

I posited that it would interesting to see whether or not Rebecca on Brothers & Sisters would at least consider or discuss getting an abortion. Well, this week we saw a little progress. She had a scene with her father (who she barely knows) and confided in him about her delicate condition. To which there were lines like "what are you going to do?" and "I'll support you no matter what" (not exact quotes).

I hope they have more courage than that in the coming episodes.

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